Pubg lite coming to india

Pubg lite coming to india.
Pubg lite 
Yes my friends pubg lite is finally making it's way to india after launching in countries like hong kong, taiwan,  brazil and bangladesh the light wait version of the game has been confirmed to soon release in one of the biggest markets for the battle royal game.

The official pubg  india facebook page has posted an image wich include a silhouette of the taj mahal with words pubg lite coming soon,pubg lite is a toned down version of the original PC version,  of the original PC version,  it's is compatible with lower end pas and laptops, so you don't need a dedicated gpu  to get the best experience as an integrated  one should be enough to run the game smoothly
Mad on 
while the official lunch date has not been officially confirmed various discussions on discord and social media channels suggest that the game could lunch by the end of this month, there is a possibility that the game would lunch during the steam sale around June 25.
We all know that pubg lite is going to be a big deal for the india audience as one of the biggest reasons.


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